The Wonder Tree method
method is based on the cabalistic tree of life,
combining the theories of
astrology ,
tarot and numerology.
tree of life is formula or a program that puts together each
person and each event in the universe.
Each person has a tree. For Each word.
can't tell
what you see before knowing the tree!
tree of life consists of ten counts- ten circles (spheres) which
are energy sources at the wisdom ("athcilut")dimension. Out of
here came the Ten Commandments, the decimal calculation system,
quorum of ten, the tenth discipline etc.
addition, there exist 22 mediators or communication channels
which are the 22 alphabetical letters of the Hebrew
language at the creation dimension.("bina")
The world was created by the 22 alphabetical letters of
The Hebrew language is the creation language and
therefore is defined as the holy language.
The combination of the ten counts and the 22 letters
will give 32 forces, Lev(heart) in numerology of Hebrew letters.
Lev(=32) ways of wisdom.
works with the heart- blossom!
sorts of program consist of each and every thing in the universe
and in a person, since the human being is a microcosm – in the
image of god.
to the Wonder Tree method it is possible to come up with a map
of a person's tree of life.
the viewing of the method is such that every person is a
spaceship which flies alone in the universe… the map will have
to show its spaceship model.
on the map it is possible to upgrade the person and to teach him
how to live in harmony and in peace with the entirety of his
In another words – the person learns to fly his own
According to the map it is possible to see with what
programs the person works with.
The map is based on numerology and codes I received at the
In the method's logo you may be able to see the tree of
life's sketch and even the image of an angel who pulls a person
from underneath, from the kingdom ("malhoot") sphere which
represent the earth and the world of producing to the glory ("tipheret")
sphere which represent the skies and the world of creation.
with the astrological map which is based on the date of one
person's birth, the Wonder Tree map is based on the Hebrew date
of birth and mostly on the person's name.
this site there is a possibility to invite a personal full map
which includes the ten energetic structures of the person, while
3 of them are given for users who signed up the site.
exactly does the map offers except for personal information?
The idea of looking at a person and his structure opens
up channels and broadens the mind. The view of the world
receives different proportions.
the fact the site deals with a variety of subjects in a person's
life, in the end it all has to do with the method. The spiritual
view penetrates every subject matter.
if you are far away from the spiritual world I do believe and
hope you will be willing to achieve fresh and original
knowledge, to release doubts and let yourselves experience.
originality of the method derives from the arrangement of words
on the tree, which is different than what you'll see in
cabalistic stories.
The structure of the tree of life and of knowledge is
In the tree of knowledge, there exist 10 circles and 22
letters as well.
for example, the letter A(Alef) in the tree of knowledge is
located from crown to wisdom and in the tree of life, according
to the wonder tree method, from grace to strength.
wonder tree method transfers a cosmic knowledge which has to do
with one person. The Bank of Energies is an important notion of
the method and shows how to manage our energies in order to
achieve happiness.
instruments are angels and demons which are being expressed in
the site at different levels, and mankind's dramas – instru
who refer mostly to the management of emotional energies and the
awareness of our being an inseparable entity of the universe and
its branches.
the information's level and the mental level there are
meditations of different kinds.
Sincerely yours,

The power of miracles is
available to us at every moment.
There are many practical steps
you can take to connect with this power.
They all involve finding
excitement and beauty in the permanent and lasting gifts of the Creator.
Begin the day
with gratitude
Realize that life
itself is a miracle.
Recognize the
precision and wonder of nature.
Seek the Light
in every person you meet.
Identify the
Light in all things.
Exercise these five steps
today and you will have the power of miracles on your side.
Create the unthinkable - for
yourself, for your loved ones, and for the world.

spiritual body 1
spiritual body 2
body 3
body 4
body 5
body 6
body 7
body 8
body 9
body 10

The Destiny number and sexual energy